Sunday, February 17, 2013

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 JThe countries whose rights were absolutely established as much as those of any countries could be were six in number America, England, Russia, Denmark, Sweden Norway and Holland"Hip, hip, hip," shouted the crowd who had put Michael Kors Outlet Online most of the money on America in the bets Maston had begun to do his calculations over again, refusing to admit that he was wrong at that point It is impossible to describe the pangs which were produced at this momentSo many and so monstrous have bene the Spanishe cruelties, suche straunge slaughters and michael kors handbags on sale murders of those peaceable, lowly, milde, and gentle people, together with the spoiles of townes, provinces, and kingdomes, which have bene moste ungodly perpetrated in the West Indies, as also divers others no lesse terrible matters, that to describe the leaste Michael Kors Outlet Online parte of them woulde require more than one chapiter, especiall where there are whole bookes extant, in printe, not onely of straungers, but also even of their owne contreymen (as of Bartholmewe de las michael kors sale Casas, a bisshoppe in Nova Spania); yea such and so passinge straunge and excedinge all humanitie and moderation have they bene, that the very rehersall of them drave divers of the cruel Spanishe, which had not bene in the West Indies, into a kinde of extasye and maze, so that the sayenge of the poet mighte therein well be verified:   Quis talia fando,Myrmidonum Dolopumue aut duri miles Vlissis, Temperet a lachrimis?Nevertheless I will repeate oute of that mightie masse and huge heape of massacres some fewe, that of Michael Kors Outlets them you may make an estymate of the rest, and consider what small remainder of those moste afflicted Indians have to revolte from the obedience of the Spaniardes, and to shake of from their shoulders the moste intollerable and insupportable yoke of Spaine, which in many places they have already begonne to do of themselves, withoute the helpe of any Christian prynce

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